Thoughts and ideas for summer 2014

It’s interesting that during the winter, I can be content with the status quo - going through the motions of everyday life and accepting the limitations of the world I have made for myself. As the weather warms, though, my thoughts turn to action, adventure, creativity, and renewal.
It’s not surprising that the druid calendars start with the spring equinox and move to the winter solstice:

For the majority of my life, if and when I took time for myself, it was in the fall. To reap the harvest of the year(s) energies and enjoy the waning vestiges of summer splendour. I would gather the experiences like the fruit harvested from the trees of summer, and store them carefully away for inspiration and nutrition of my mind and spirit throughout the dullness of winter.

A paradigm shift occurred when I found I had a brain tumour likely with only a few months to live. Material goods meant little to me, and the experiences became more valuable. The enjoyment I could get from simply lunching at a street cafe, watching the world, was far superior to the latest in fashion or gizmos. The shift also tended toward the natural aspects of life, the majesty of the mountains, the immense power of the ocean, the fleeting wind, and the miracle of biology. These took on greater impact to my thought processes, and made me look at the things i did with greater understanding.
I have beaten the odds, and survived surgery. I am living in bonus years, though the intrinsic shift has remained with me, as has the tumour.

It is unfortunate that the events that brought me to this place have happened so late in my life, because, in spite of everything, I am fundamentally happy with myself now. This was not always the case, and caused much grief and a difficult path. I have identified with the Buddhist way in the past (having long since given up on Christianity), but even that left avenues unexplored and felt flat. Paganism, Druidry, or Celtic paths intrigue me and resonate within my spirit. Perhaps a new path, perhaps just a detour on the journey, who knows. I am still lonely, still apprehensive of the future, and introspective, but that is where I am, and I believe that is where I am meant to be right now.

I am looking out at a sun soaked sky, caressing the new growth of the trees with its energizing warmth, filling the surroundings with growth, life and hope for the future.

Have a great day.

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Written on a mac mini


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Japanese style quilting

I have often been intrigued by the art and textiles of the Japanese culture. I have experimented in the past with dying textiles and with various block printing and/or ink resist techniques. In Japan, they use a form of dyeing using... Continue →